Friday 18 March 2011

Brussels sprouts with figs (and pancetta)

At the end of January thie year Mark Bittman announced that he wouldn't be writing his columnist, The Minimalist, would be finishing.  However, I still have a collection of his recipes to test out - and it seemed like a good moment to whip out his recipe for brussels sprouts, figs and pancetta (bacon) because both figs and brussels sprouts are in season right now.  When Mr Bittman made his version the figs were not in season, so he used dried figs which require slightly different treatment than the fresh ones.

Before we even bought the ingredients for this one G and I first had to decide whether it was "brussel sprouts" or "brussels sprouts"!  Once that had been decided cooking the dish was super simple.  This was definitely another recipe that implicitly began with "buy a food processor".

Cutting up the brussels sprouts would take forever otherwise!  Other than that, pretty simply - saute until done.

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